Tuesday, May 24, 2011

NOL Reports US$10 Million Q1 Net Loss

NOL Reports US$10 Million Q1 Net Loss
NOL Group reported a first quarter 2011 net loss of US$10 million compared to a net loss of US$98 million in the same period last year. NOL said first quarter 2011 revenue was US$2.4 billion, up 16 percent from a year ago. First quarter Core EBIT (earnings before interest...

Friday, May 20, 2011

Saratoga Group took over the Mandala Airline stocks by 51 per cent

Saratoga Group took over the Mandala Airline stocks by 51 per cent
Finally, Saratoga Group took over the Mandala Airline stocks by 51 per cent, followed by Singapore airlines, Tiger Airways, by 33 percent, and the remaining 16 percent by the old shareholders and its creditors. The agreement was conveyed Head of Corporate Communication,...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Indonesia's CPO production rise to 25.4 million metric tons in 2012

Indonesia's CPO production rise to 25.4 million metric tons in 2012
The data reported by units of foreign agricultural services, the U.S. Department of Agriculture or USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) in Jakarta said the oil palm industry (CPO) in Indonesia can produce as many as 25.4 million metric tons in the 2011/2012 marketing...

Thursday, May 12, 2011

MAERSK Line FIRST quarter profit UP 85%

MAERSK Line FIRST quarter profit UP 85%
Danish oil and shipping company A P Moller-Maersk reported an 85 percent rise in first-quarter net profit but reiterated it expects its 2011 bottom line to fall as container margins are squeezed, income from oil activities falls and exploration costs rise. Maersk's first-quarter...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Decree of the Minister of Finance, EXEMPTION OF IMPORT DUTY for import of Removal Goods to Indonesia

Decree of the Minister of Finance, EXEMPTION OF IMPORT DUTY for import of Removal Goods to Indonesia
DECREE OF THE MINISTER OF FINANCENo. 137/KMK.05/1997 ONEXEMPTION OF IMPORT DUTY FOR IMPORT OF REMOVAL GOODS THE MINISTER OF FINANCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA, Considering : that within the framework of implementing Law No.10/1995 on Customs Affairs, it is deemed necessary...