Sunday, December 19, 2010

Investor from China and Taiwan will invest in the fisheries sector


A number of investors from China and Taiwan began to come to Indonesia to invest and develop the marine fisheries sector in Indonesia. Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Fadel Muhammad expressed the ministry began aggressively to attract investors from many countries to invest in Indonesia. "Indonesian marine and fisheries sector require investors in order to grow," he said in Jakarta today.

Fadel said a number of islands that are offered to develop the investors is the island of Morotai, Bangka Island, and a number of areas in Sulawesi, which has great potential as a fishery resource. Minister explains investors from Taiwan will invest capital to develop the island of Morotai in North Maluku. "Investing in ensuring that they will reach U.S.$ 2 billion."

Fadel expressed the Taiwanese investors are interested to build a lot of seafood processing industrial complex until construction of marine ecotourism park. "Investors will make Morotai area as a special economic zone, or megaminapolitan," he said.

Fadel added Morotai island will also be the center of the national tuna industry. He said the Taiwan expressed interest in investing in this island because this region was in the Pacific ocean. This area is known to have high fisheries potential because this place is a stopover point tuna, both from the Pacific Ocean to the waters of Indonesia, or vice versa. This region is estimated to generate up to 200 tonnes of tuna per year.

"In order to develop the marine and fisheries sector can not depend continuously on the State Budget, but also must attract investors to invest," he said. Minister said it plans Morotai and Bangka island will become the region as a special economic zone or megaminapolitan. Meanwhile, Director General of Processing and Marketing of Fishery Products Fishery Martani Huseini state investors began to arrive to Indonesia. "Indonesia has already become one of the purposes of investment in marine and fisheries sector," he said.
