Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Government will held furniture exbitions in the Middle East

Government promises to help exporters of furniture who at this time in the volume of export markets such as to Western Europe and America still languishing, by various exhibitions abroad, such as in the Middle East which is expected to become a new market exporters. This is expressed by Deputy of Marketing and Business Network State of the Ministry of Cooperatives and UKM, Asrin Ikhwan after the award Aqsa Living Furniture Design Competition in the Solo Graha Raya, on Monday (10 / 8).

"Month of November 2008-February 2009 we created a kind of exercise for the promotion of products made by UKM at Dubai Global Expo. We successfully created the seven commitments. One of them create a trading house with Dubai. We also create exhibitions in Eastern Europe and in Hong Kong," said Ikhwan. Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Furniture Regional Surakarta, M David R Wijaya, said some exporters currently look for domestic market instead of export markets. However, unfortunately, there are no definitive data about the needs of furniture in the domestic.

Also faced the reality on the domestic market by penetration of foreign furniture producers which indicated that the use of furniture made in China and Italy by the Indonesians. Besides the positive economic growth also have the big population  become fascination by the importer.

Joko Widodo, the furniture industrialis and also Mayor of Solo, said, the Middle East market is very potential export markets to replace the Western Europe and the United States. However, according to him, it takes the role of the central government's financial injection to help entrepreneurs and encourage financial institutions and banks are willing to assist exporters. "This is done such as Singapore, they were successful because the government supported the exporter. The Middle East market is very good because they have the money. We had tried Eastern European market but was also had influence by the globa crisis because the money from Western Europe," said Jokowi.

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