Monday, March 30, 2009

IATA: 2009 is the grim year of airlines industry

IATA: 2009 is the grim year of airlines industry
Airline industry associations (IATA) said the year 2009 is a dismal year, and estimates the airline losses this year will reach 4.7 billion U.S. dollars (3.4 billion euros) because of global economic conditions deteriorating quickly. The new prediction which presented...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bank Indonesia encourage not using US Dollar for international transactions.

Bank Indonesia encourage not using US Dollar for international transactions.
Sentral bank of Indonesia, Bank Indonesia (BI) to encourage the performer export and import to take advantage of the Bilateral Currency Swap Arrangement (BCSA) facilities and use Renmimbi in international transactions. "So far, the market is using the U.S. dollar...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Volume export of textile to the Middle East down 25 Percent

Volume export of textile to the Middle East down 25 Percent
The export inquiry of textiles and textile products (TPT) from West Java to Middle East, decline about 25 percent due to global crisis. Most of the industrialist trying to seek for other markets, especially to Asia. President Director of PT Firman Jaya Dua Saudara,...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Nike keep order the shoes from Indonesia

Nike keep order the shoes from Indonesia
One of the famous shoe manufacturer, Nike, states will not change their investment in Indonesia, and can still hope to develop business in Indonesia. "Nike will close their four manufacturer, but none of these factories in Indonesia," said Minister of Industry, Fahmi...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

30 Percent of Indonesia Labor Textile threatened terminatted

30 Percent of Indonesia Labor Textile threatened terminatted
Textile and product textile export market (TPT), which is still bleak due to the global financial crisis will force the textile industry perform termination of employment of its employees. Of about 1.2 million workers in the textile industry in Indonesia, about 30 percent...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Indonesia Department of Transportation : MD 90 eligible to fly

Indonesia Department of Transportation : MD 90 eligible to fly
A series of audits by the Ministry of Transportation of the McDonnell Douglas-90 (MD-90) aircraft, from Wednesday (11 / 3) to Saturday (14/3) in Jakarta and Bandung, declare that the MD 90 plane still eligible to fly if treated properly. Currently only airline Lion Air...

Friday, March 13, 2009

World Bank : the current economic crisis is serious and dangerous

World Bank : the current economic crisis is serious and dangerous
World Bank President Robert Zoellick in London, England, on Thursday (12 / 3) said, the current economic crisis is serious and dangerous. The world economy likely contraction 1-2 percent in 2009. Banking turmoil and the market fears continues to be the cause factors....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

MD 90 aircraft operated by Lion Air disallows flying

MD 90 aircraft operated by Lion Air disallows flying
Indonesia Ministry of Transportation temporarily prohibit all MD-90 aircraft operated by Mentari Lion Airlines in serving commercial airlines. All the airplanes  will be reviewed by the Directorate of Air Proper and Aircraft, Dept. of Transportation. "We will...

Friday, March 6, 2009

Rice export will not in big volume

Rice export will not in big volume
For this year 2009, the government is not too confident to export rice in big volume. According to the plan, the government will only export around 100,000 tons. "We will not too confident exporting in large amounts. As starting around 100.000 tons first, not exported...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sriwijaya Air open 3 flight routes in eastern Indonesia

Sriwijaya Air open 3 flight routes in eastern Indonesia
One of the Indonesia airline company - Sriwijaya Air - now starting to open the commercial flights in eastern Indonesia. North Sulawesi, Papua and North Maluku became the target of the route this month. Head of PR Sriwijaya Air Ruth Hanna Simatupang said, in order...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Manufacturing and agricultural export drop up to 70%

Manufacturing and agricultural export drop up to 70%
The global crisis had impact the Indonesia export of manufacturing and agricultural products which descend rapidly to 70%. This occurred during the period of the last three months, since December 2008 until February 2009. Usually, the value of export manufacturing and...